Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pondering the surreal on *sarcasm mode *

Tomorrow is Copenhagen-time! Yet again. It is the most random of all interviews, since I was sure that I wasn´t going to get an answer, and turns out I got one real quick too. So... Let´s see if I´m the right person to be the Scandinavian tour guide of Portugal. :P Well, my brutto qualifications sure seem to point to yes, but I am still quite hesitant, I mean, isn´t it ironic? I come back to Sweden, try to find a job, and randomly end back in Lisbon without even it making an effort? :p Weird stuff. We´ll see, if all turns out well, I might become a freelance tourist guide. That´s a new one, but I guess it works..

I just feel bad for the people that have paid around 1000 euros to see Portugal and they end up being 7 whole days with me. Shit happens, ey? xD

Oh well, enough with this crappy text, I really don´t have anything to say, except that I don´t think that I´m going to be so nervous, I´m guessing I will enter that door with a "wtf-just-happened" expression. And honestly, I really don´t know what to hope for....! When people go to job interviews, they usually don´t go there just to do rec-work, they actually want the job. But me...I don´t know, I´m not liking this tendency of mine of "it-went-well-but-deep-down-I-dont-want-it" cuz that is just self-sabotage. :P And that sucks. wrap this monologue-thingie up.......I hope that they have a nice deal, that it allows me at least for the time being, to visit Portugal for one week every now and then with a bunch of retired people and bitter divorcés. That sounds, uhm....nice.

(Stupid is blocking the view)


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