On stage I make love to twenty five thousand people; and then I go home alone.
This sentence always makes me wonder. About many things. One of them is ambitions. Not only mine, but other´s ambitions, do people really know what they want? Does anybody truly, sincerely, know what to strive for?
So, is anybody truly happy, or just settling for life?
They say the 80´s generation is like that, we who were born in the 80´s are never satisfied with our lives, with our goals, we always want more, but here´s the special thing about us: we never know exactly what it is we want. Either we want nothing and therefore lack motivation for, well, everything; or we want too many things!
We want to be everything, feel, experience everything, all the niches reality has to offer, simply because we cannot make a decision. A decision to fully appreciate what a certain choice might give, risking losing other things. Or is making that decision just settling? Just settling for what you can get, without daring to dream, because dreams don´t always come true.
Life becomes what you make of it. If it can´t be done, change perspective.
(and by this I don´t mean change where you are, but change how you feel about what you already have.)
Now I´m gonna quit blabbing on about these thoughts (annoying you guys with boring stuff ^^) and I´m gonna enjoy my Saturday evening, cuz I gotta work tomorrow. ;)
Oh, and props to my sis for making such an awesome meme-cake:
(see meme here: http://artoftrolling.memebase.com/2011/03/02/comic-troll-howd-you-guess/ )
Also, I hear a small town in Spain has reintroduced the peseta to boost the local economy...I must say, I don´t know what to think of this, I have a quite solid though [highly] ambiguous opinion about the euro, and this surprised me at the same time that I asked myself why this hasn't happened before. I don´t know whether to see this as a positive initiative originating from an existing necessity (well, it is, but...) or if this only destabilizes an already fragile monetary situation (which it probably does if it were to be a long term phenomena). I do understand both sides of this question and find valid arguments - that I actually find realistic - on both sides of the coin (hehe pun).
I can say two things though, this might have unforeseen consequences (specially if this were to spread, which I don´t find that unthinkable). If any, the stores that have been accepting pesetas will lose a lot of money and everybody else would have officially gotten their things for free, since the money is out of circulation, and how easy is it to track the purchases if it´s at a bigger scale? (would they even want to track since it might be illegal? Can it be regarded as trading, as foul play by the stores, or even as stealing, by the buyers? I don´t have a great knowledge on the legal matters here, if anybody does, please elucidate me :P).
I guess you can just call it plain trading commerce in that case, since the legality of the money itself is not in question because even if they do use an exchange rate to define value, it´s just inadequate terminology, because the "money" cannot be seen as _money_ but as any other object. The question is, is this even legal? And if it is in some crazy way, then I do not see a bright future for any of us would this become larger (well, maybe us in Scandinavia might not lose that much, I guess it would be worse in some ways but positive in others. But still, for the rest of the E. Union and specifically the euro countries, it would be catastrophic for at least 10 years). And second, but not quite as exciting, I actually wouldn´t mind using up my old escudos [and pesetas, etc] that are lying around in my room (yes, I do have some). :P
Link here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12657225
and here: http://www.lavozdegalicia.es/galicia/2011/03/03/0003_201103G3P12991.htm
Hope you guys are having a nice weekend ;)
thanks xD
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